Thursday 10 February 2022

What you need to know for a successful press release wire services

Best press release wire services

It's all very well getting press release wire services written but then what do you need to do next? There are so many different press release submission services ranging from free to big money it's sometimes difficult to know where to start.

Most press release submission services will start by checking over your proposed release. There are certain standards that need to be met, otherwise your release is doomed before it even leaves your computer. They need to be news, not an advertisement in disguise. Or, to be more correct, they need to be phrased well enough to not read like an advert. Let's face it, most people want their press release submission to work the same way as an advertisement but without the costs of constantly running an ad.

So the first check is that the release is phrased correctly. It's actually surprising just how promotional you can be without crossing the line. If you need proof of this, check almost any daily newspaper and you'll see stories that are obviously adverts in disguise yet have been published in major newspapers.

Once your release has passed muster, the next stage is to decide where it should be sent to. News is expected to be duplicated all over the place and press releases are no exception to this - Google News even tells you how many other similar stories there are and gives you the option of checking "all 332 news stories" or whatever the figure is for your chosen piece.

Best press release distribution

Which means that your submission shouldn't be restricted to only one or two press release services unless you are on an extremely tight budget. No single service has a monopoly on distribution and, computers being what they are, it's not always easy to predict which version will show up at the top of the internet news let alone whether a particular piece will be grabbed by a journalist or posted on a popular website. Sites such as Digg allow their users to vote on news stories, so if one version of your press release works its way to the front page of Digg, there's a good chance that will be the one that Google choose to feature.

It's a bit of pot luck and something you have very little control over once you've pressed the submit button. So increase your chances by using more than one press release distribution service.

You should also check whether your chosen submission services make it easy for people to bookmark stories on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Most readers won't share the news unless it piques their interest but if you get your story to hit the right mood of your readers, you could end up with an absolutely massive following. So it pays to make sure that your release can go viral even if that's not your original intention.

Another thing to watch in your submission is the effect of your headline or title. A lot of the secondary distribution of releases is almost 100% controlled by computer in the form of RSS feeds. These pick up keywords from your title (and sometimes elsewhere) so be sure to include your main target phrase in your title whenever possible.


Boost Your Backlinks Quickly by Submitting Pr Newswire

If you are not very familiar with Pr Newswire, they are a very good source of extra backlinks and traffic. Writing a press release is different from article writing. You need to know how to write one. Many people write the press release and distribute it and then expect a huge amount of traffic. Unfortunately it does not work that way.
The press release, just like any other content written for online publishing should be optimized to rank well in news sites and search engines. The news sites generally tend to rank well in the general search engines. So if the news release is well optimized for your desired keyword, it will definitely appear on the first page of search engines.
Optimizing your news release is similar to optimizing a regular article. First, you have to decide which keyword you want to rank well for. Once you have decided that, put your keyword in the title, first paragraph and the last paragraph of the content. You should also use some LSI keywords which search engines would like to see on the same page.
The number of times you should use the main keyword in the press release is about three to four times in a 500 word article. It should never be overdone.
The press release should be written mainly keeping in mind the reader and not the search engines. This way you will increase the chances of it being picked up by a lot of websites for publishing.
Link your target keyword to a relevant deep page of your website. Preferably your keyword as the anchor text should be used in the beginning of the the press release. Make sure that the destination page is optimized for the same keyword. This will give you the maximum search engine benefits.
You can submit your news release to many news wire websites but the best free website for good search engine ranking is which syndicates it to Google News and other search engines. The best thing is that these sites allow you to put anchor text in the body of the article which has more link value.
For more effective distribution, you can use paid services like and sites. The network of these sites is bigger and you get more traffic, backlinks and exposure as a result.
Always remember how you write a press release is quite different from how you write an ordinary article. For more detailed guidelines on how to write it, just go to any news wire site and they will give you all the tips and help.

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